ÿþ<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><script src="" language="javascript"></script><META NAME="description" CONTENT="Stories, Rosters, Pictures, of the 2d & 6th Battalions of the U.S. Army Field Atillery, and its veterans"><META NAME="author" CONTENT="Michael Pectol"><META NAME="generator" CONTENT="NOTE PAD"><TITLE>2/77FA Distinguished Service Crosses</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" BGPROPERTIES="FIXED" LINK="#A8A8A8" TEXT="#FFFAFA" VLINK="#3299CC"><CENTER><a href="Insert page for DSC URL HERE"><IMG SRC="DSCMEDAL.jpg" BORDER="0"></CENTER><HR COLOR=SILVER>NOTE: This navigation aid cycles from HIGHEST to Lowest, beginning with this page. BUT, by Just clicking the NAME of the Award you want to view, History Home, or Site Home, you can jump around to whichever you desire to see the list of. When finished, Just jump over to the list and hit any button on the left to go to another section. <a href="history.html">| HISTORY HOME |</A><A HREF="index.html">| SITE HOME PAGE |</A><A HREF="277SILSTAR.html">| SILVER STAR |</A> <a href="277DFC.html">| DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS |</A> <a href="277BRONZESTARVALOR.html">BRONZE STAR VALOR |</A> <A HREF="purpl.html">PURPLE HEART |</A> <A HREF="277BRONZESTAR.html">BRONZE STAR MERIT | </A><A HREF="277ARCOMVALOR.html">ARCOM VALOR | </A><A HREF="277ARCOMMERIT.html">ARCOM MERIT</A> |<HR COLOR=SILVER><BR><h3><B>The following are the names of 2/77FA Soldiers awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for their extraordinary heroism in combat actions. These 3 were awarded theirs in the same formation in which Sp/5 Richard Hazel of 3/22Inf. received his. The presenter, Gen. William Westmoreland said he thought it was a record number of DSCs awarded in one formation in the Vietnam War.</H3></B><HR COLOR=SILVER><UL TYPE=DISK ALIGN=CENTER><H2><B><LI>LTC John Vessey, Bn. C.O. For Soui-Tre, 21 Mar, '67 on 18 Sep '67</LI> <LI>SGT Earl Haupt, Also For Soui-Tre, 21 Mar, '67 on 18 Sep '67</LI> <LI>SP/4 Samuel Townsends, For Soui-Tre, 21 Mar, '67 on 18 Sep '67</LI></UL></H2></B><HR COLOR=SILVER>NOTE: This navigation aid cycles from HIGHEST to Lowest, beginning with this page. BUT, by Just clicking the NAME of the Award you want to view, History Home, or Site Home, you can jump around to whichever you desire to see the list of. When finished, Just jump over to the list and hit any button on the left to go to another section. <a href="history.html">| HISTORY HOME |</A><A HREF="index.html">| SITE HOME PAGE |</A><A HREF="277SILSTAR.html">| SILVER STAR |</A> <a href="277DFC.html">| DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS |</A> <a href="277BRONZESTARVALOR.html">BRONZE STAR VALOR |</A> <A HREF="purpl.html">PURPLE HEART |</A> <A HREF="277BRONZESTAR.html">BRONZE STAR MERIT | </A><A HREF="277ARCOMVALOR.html">ARCOM VALOR | </A><A HREF="277ARCOMMERIT.html">ARCOM MERIT |<HR COLOR=SILVER><BR></BODY></HTML> <script language="javascript"><!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img",0);//--> </script>