Headquarters Battery, 77th Field Artillery 4th Division, WWI

This is the personal journal of Norman Horning.  The spell, including any errors, has been reserved exactly as PFC Horning recorded it in his journal.


company, no. 94

R.F.D.No1 PA

   Norman Horning

Home Address
   Mifflintown Pennsylvania

   Private 1st Class


   77th FA


   4th Infantry


This page also includes a table of contents which includes

Foreign Money, with United States Equivalents
English Linear Measure and Metric Equivalents
Penetration of Rifle Bullet
Semaphore Code
General Service Code
Some Useful Knots
Hilts for Judging Distances
First Aid in Case of Accidents
Tommy's Vocabulary
Soldiers' French
Useful Information
Cash Account

TUE 1. was on (stable) guard. was a very vet day mud and slop wet feet all day.

WED 2. was wet. I beat all calls except retreat did not get up for breakfast.

THUR 3. was on kitchen police it rained all day was very muddy and cold.

FRI 4. was on guard. It was frozen and did not get very muddy.

SAT 5. was cutting wood in the morning for kitchen afternoon was for tents.

SUN 6. did not do any thing beat all calls. Ha very good dinner.

MON 7. was on stable police Had a hard day of it. Red McFarlin helped got done at 430.

TUE 8. drilled foot drill and horse exercises made Lt. Rafer.

WED 9. drilled close order drill. Had the afternoon off was a holiday.

THUR 10. drilled in the morning and a lecture in the afternoon, Capt.

FRI 11. drilled in the morning afternoon lecture by leutenant.

SAT 12. Had a full pack inspection after noon was rest.

SUN 13. was on no duty did not do anything at all.

MON 14. It rained was very muddy did not do any thing at all.

Tue 15. In the morning we got up at 415 A.M. for a review. It rained so did not have it no drill.

Wed 16. no first period out mounted drill for 1st period. 2d period afternoon school and review. (see memorandum page 1).

Thur 17. was a nice day drilled 1st perod dismounted. 2d period mounted 3d period school.

Fri 18. 1st period close order drill. 2d period mounted drill 3rd period in mess hall school.

Sat 19. Had a full pack inspecton. also horse exercise. after noon. sleeping.

Sun. 20. was assigned to a horse no 51 color Black It was not a very nice day it snowded and sleeted.

Mon 21. 1st peroid foot drill 2nd peroid mounted drill 3rd period. was out for horse excerise led 2 horses.

Tue 22. In the morning it sleeted about 4 inches. 1st peroid no drill 2nd period no drill. was read the articles of war 3rd period horse excerise see momorandum page 1.

wed 23. nice day came off guard at 9 in the morning off for the rest of the day it certainly was a peach of a day.

Thur 24. drew a pistol no is 165206 1st drill school in mess hall 2nd period. Classification. 3 drill signal (visual) practice.

Fri 25. 1st period foot drill. 2nd period Horse exercise. 3rd period Visual signal practicie. sloppy weather.

Sat 26. Saturday inspection by Captain. after inspection sleep 3rd period vaccination.

Sun 27. Morning had a insurance lecture after noon rain sleept and wrote.

mon 28. Started to go to 4 division Hdg. school after noon was spent in school weather rain.

Tue 29. out on hill school all morning in the mud. after nooon was the same. Visual signals.

wed 30. morning out on Hill at visual signal school after noon Half Holiday slept. all afternoon.

Thur 31. morning was in mess hall Buzzer drill after noon was in the same place. Same drill (See memorandum).

Friday 1. on the morning was out at school in the mess hall. after noon was off and slept.

Saturday2.no inspection on account of rain. Which it was done all day Bunk Fatigue.

Sunday 3. it was to muddy to do anything so layed in bed But did not sleep well.

mon 4. was in the messhall at school all day it was a nice warm day.

Tue. 5. was out to the Divison School in the morning After noon was put in on bunk fatigue.

wed. 6. out to divison to school in morning afternoon was spent in Bunk fatigue.

Thur 7. was at school all day it was a fine day nice and warm Sun out all day.

Fri 8. was at school qualified in recieving Semaphore was a fine warm day.

Sat 9. was to school in the morning after noon we had off day was warm.

Sun 10. Sunday got a tooth pulled in morning afternoon was out a Liberty Park.

mon 11. was at School took lunch with me. The day was warm and nice.

Tue 12. was at school took dinner with me was a warm day rained in the eve.

wed 13. School in the morning after noon was pay day and Bunk fatigue.

Thur.14. was at school all day. Had a thunder shower in the evening.

Fri. 15. at School all day was a real warm day. and rained in the evening.

Sat. 16. was out at school till dinner time. after noon Bunk Fatigue.

Sun. 17. was in bed all day long bunk fatigue had a good long sleep.

mon. 18. was at school all day. Ate a big fried egg dinner at canteen nice day.

Tue. 19. was at the school all day was a little damp.

WED. 20. It was a wet day was at school and Bunk Fatigue in afternoon.

THUR.21. was a very nice day was at the park at noon. Saw some of the ostriches Bears deers and other stuff. (SEE MEMO).

FRI 22. A day of doing nothing but sleep. was a National Holiday of rest.

SAT 23. was a nice day was warm. The CO. was on a hike about 12 miles.

Sun 24. A very Beautiful day. put all day in bunk fatigue and reading.

MON 25. was a nice day came in for dinner mud all gone. was a sleepy day.

TUE 26. was a extra nice day. was at school I was up at Buns in the Evening.

WED. 27. was a very warm day. was at school in the morning afternoon Holiday.

THR. 28. was muster for pay. It was a Very nice day. extra nice and warm.

on Thursday FEB 21 Lewis Sudler and Edgar Hern left for Buffaloe NY.

on March 4 saw some Cherry Blossoms.

FRI 1. was a very nice day. took our stoves out of the tents. Also raised the tents.
SAT 2. At school in the morning afternoon was bunk fatigue.

SUN 3. was a very nice day in the afternoon was at a Ball game our team won 18-14.

MON 4. In the morning it was warm. In the after noon I rained was no school in the afternoon.

TUE 5. was a very nice day had no school in the afternoon do not no reason why.

WED 6. Ther was no school on account of a lecture down town. fired our tent up higher.

THUR 7. at school all day it was a visual signal day nice and clear. wore no coat.

FRI. 8. was a nice day at school all day got excused late qualified in wig-wag.

SAT. 9. was a hard morning doing bunk fatigue did not sleep much.

SUN. 10. was a day that was warm I got tooth filled also at a Base Ball game score 4 trench motor Btty 5 77th FA. 8.

MON. 11. was a little bit cool was at school all day. We hat visual work.

TUE 12. In the morning was at school in the afternoon. was out on the trenches.

WED 13. was at school was dismissed at 830. Slept till dinner also was payday.

THUR 14. was at school all day had visual work except one hour buzzer.

FRI. 15. was a very nice day at school all day was spent in visual work.

SAT 16. was at and finished school at Division Hdqs and was down town.

SUN 17. was inspected mounted full pack by Major Whitting waiting for range.

18. EXPECT TO BE GONE FOR 6 WEEKS. left for the range left at 730 got up at got out at 5. Slept in a pup tent with Howell our new camp near Gastonia.

TUE 19. was put in at our new camp putting up a picket line and doing other work of kinds water very scarce.

WED 20. In the morning was raining Bunk fatigue. After noon was grading picket line was wet and disagreeable.

THUR 21. It was very muddey and was very warm ate 1 small sandwich for dinner at the foot of King Mts at chronical. WROTE AT 9AM MOONLIGHT.

FRI 22. was a warm day left for the new observation post on Kings mountain. camped on back side of it in shelter tents.

SAT 23. was bring up camp and was on the mountain observing artillery fire for the first time on King mountain.

SUN 24. was a rainy day was in Kings city for the first time it is a Hell of a Burg. Had chicken for dinner.

MON 25. was a clear day and beautiful night was on the mountain visual signals. Camp all moved together. was on guard.

TUE 26. was on guard mostly bunk fatigue. Saw a fight between revenue officers and moonshiners, was swiming in brook.

WED 27. was on the range watching shells burst was on wig-wag all day for exams.

THUR 28. was on special duty. cutting wood spent most of the time Bunk fatigue.

FRI 29. was signaling visual and buzzer also till 10 00 at night was on Blinker.

SAT 30. was on duty all day. Had inspection and had some letter from home.

SUN 31. was Easter stood muster was over on the range for shells and bunk fatigue.

MON 1. was a very warm day. was doing some telephone and visual work some Bunk fatigue.

TUE 2. was a very warm day did Buzzer and visual work on hill 1400. was on Blinker at night. till 10.00.

WED 3. was on the mts also took the Gen. lunch up the hill for him.

THUR 4. (in range on mountain got my haircut). was a very nice day we didnt do very much was on with flumes knob.

FRI 5. was on Fatigue did not do very much broke camp and got ready to leave for Camp Chronical.

SAT 6. arrived at Camp Chronical at 615 in the morning left at 230 after noon for Camp Guni got there 630 P was on the road 36 hours with out rest or sleep.

SUN 7. was a nice day we were instructed for over sea duty was busy all day.

MON 8. moved in a company in E Battery street was raining all day we were washing clothes. and peping for general inspection.

TUE 9. (it was very cold) was a day was on duty. Had checks and snow down and a full pack inspection was issued 21 [this may be 2] rounds of ammunition.

WED 10. was a very cool day also was pay day was down town in the eve to a vaudville show was issued 3 rounds of ammunition.

THUR 11. was a nice day was on the range score 38 on the am had gas mask instruction and pistol practice in the pm.

FRI 12. was doing gass drill and close order drill also was on the pistol range.

SAT 13. a General inspection and gas masks and afternoon on pistol range.

SUN 14. was a very warm day spent morning in bed. after noon was in town Cinch Bean and I.

MON 15. was doing a close order and gas drill under Leutentant bafes and Maj Snuder.

TUE 16. was a nice day. was not very well. spent most of time bunk fatigue.

WED 17. was on gas and close order drill was at the YMCA in the evening. So was Bern.

Thur 18. was Ready to go away when order was changed was retruned to Companey for duty. every one was disgusted.

FRI 19. was out horse exercising in rain. and close order drill in afternoon drew saddle equiptment.

Sat 20. It rained all day I also prepared for a inspection. was in the kitchen all day.

SUN 21. was Sick all day and was on guard Sunday night it was a very pretty day. There was a inspection.

MON 22. on guard was a nice day felt pretty well. was a goldbrick job work done by the prisoners got Spurs and check straps.

TUE 23. was foot drill in morning afternoons was bunk fatigue and horse exercise cavalry drill.

WED 24. was a nice warm day close order drill and mouted drill afternoon Signal drill and stables

THUR 25. was morning drill close order and Horse exercise after noon was bunk Fatigue.

FRI 26. was close order drill Horse exercise and signal drill.

SAT 27. was a full showdown and check inspection by Troop Co. Capt Ellis.

SUN 28. was a Holiday was at YMCA to curch and movie theatre no for evening services a chaplain of 4 Ammunition train spoke he was a fine sermon.

MON 29. was fott drill and Horse Exercise afternoon was on the range Shong might went on guard.

TUE 30. was muster day was on guard at Camp Headquarters. O.D. was Captain Hamilition it was a good guard no walking post. It rained in the evening also.

WED 1. was foot drill and mounted drill then dinner Signal drill in afternoon.

THUR 2. Hot. was foot drill and mounted drill Bunk fatigue in the afternoon.

FRI 3. was a nice day close order. Horse drill after noon cleaned equipment.

(was 1 year in Army)

SAT 4. weather Hot. Had a General fullpack and show down inspection. After noon Bunk fatigue.

SUN 5. was at YMCA at curch. afternoon wrote letters home and bunk fatigue.

MON 6. Turned in Horses. Handed in Saddle equpment packed all our Heavey Stuff and bunk fatigue.

TUE 7. Turned in Signal stuff. also loaded all Heavey stuff on the cars. Bunk fatigue.

WED 8. was one hour close order drill and bunk fatigue very hot day.

THUR 9. had a General inspection in the morning afternoon was bunk fatigue.

FRI 10. was hot drilled 1 1/2 hours in the eve was viewed by our Colonel also he was presented with our colors.

SAT 11. was reviewed in full packs and the colors were given to our regiment.

SUN 12. was confined in camp till 2 oclock then was given passes it rained in the eve.

MON 13. It rained and we fixed up and left Camp Greene was on the rod from dinner time.

TUE 14. was still on the road got in our new Camp which was Camp Merritte. abou 7 at night.

WED 15. was on KP had a lecture and showdown inspection out of kitchen early.

THUR 16. was a nice day had bunk fatigue and two inspections.

FRI 17. was confined in camp. waiting order to move also got paid. was a Lous also at Meritt had for supper.

SAT 18. Left for Camp. for part of Embark arrived in eve. was on duty as ordeally of adj.

SUN 19. was on boot all day it was a very nice day lifted anchor for somewhere.

MON 20. was a very nice day was on water all time saw no land all day.

TUE 21. was a very nice day water was very smooth. But I was sick. Saw no land. my Bed broke.

WED 22. was a very nice day saw no land was better but not well. ate some.

THUR 23. was a nice day was sick all day ate a little saw no land at all. Sun was out bright.

FRI 24. was about half sick it was cooler and rained some the waves were very High over the boat. Saw no land.

SAT 25. Sat night was very cold. was a very windy and cold also the sea was very rough saw no land was half sick.

SUN 26. The was very rough. it was warm. The after noon was a little rough the night was a little cool.

MON 27. was a warm day the sea was smooth we saw no land was feeling fine.

TUE 28. was windy in morning the afternoon was damp. was on look out guard.

WED 29. was on look out guard. sighted the destroyers it was qute misty. saw no land. on guard memorial day.

THUR 30. on guard. was a very nice day sighted land do not know what it was. saw land all day also destroyer a submarine. on guard.

FRI 31. was on guard. we arrived in Liverpool at 3 in the morning was on boat all day except exercise.

SAT 1. was on guard along docks. we left the boat for our new camp we were on train all afternoon very nice country got in a 1 am.

SUN 2. was a very nice day was in a rest camp wrote home washed some clothes.

MON 3. was on a 4 mile hike to winchester the oldest town in England saw some old Buildgs.

TUE 4. was on a walk box exercise. done some bunk work. was a nice day saw some saw some old buildings.

WED 5. (Look AT JUNE 21) left for South Hampton to go over to Havre was on boat all the night was crowded.

THUR 6. landed at Havre walked 8 miles it was Hot and very dusty. our camp is no 1 Section B.

FRI 7. was doing nothing but bunk fatigue it was a very nice warm day.

SAT 8. Left camp no 1 section B at 6 in the eve. was on the train all night. Had good cars. nice day.

SUN 9. was on the train all day it was warm we were in France in a grape country.

MON 10. met over sea detail. got in our new camp arrived at station at 2.30. got out to our baracks at 430 afternoon.

TUE 11. In morning we fixed up bunks in afternoon was over to a Brigade School.

WED 12. morning was over to Brigade School in afternoon. was on Bunk Fatigue.

THUR 13. morning was at school at Brigade Hdq. after noon was bunk fatigue.

FRI 14. morning was at school afternooon was out an drill with lieutenants.

SAT 15. morning was at school afternoon was on bunk fatigue.

SUN 16. was on bunk fatigue all morning afternoon was at Ball game 77th FA and 13th FA score 77th 2 13th 8.

MON 17. was at school in the morning afternoon helped put up a telephone wire.

TUE 18. was at school in the morning in the afternoon helped put up a switch board in Hdq.

WED 19. WEATHER RAIN was at school in the morning in the afternoon was at bunk fatigue.

THUR 20. was payday was out at School on range in morning in the afternoon helped put up a telephone wire.

FRI 21. SISTERS BIRTHDAY was on school in the morning in the afternoon. worked on the telephone line.

SAT 22. was at school in the morning afternoon was was on bunk fatigue was nice day.

SUN 23. was washing clothes morning after noon . was at ball game.

MON 24. morning Helped put up a telephone wires. afternoon was ove at Brigade school.

TUE 25. was at Hospital morning attended to lectures by Lt. Evens in after noon was over at the school.

WED 26. on lectures over at mess hall in morning in afternoon. was over at the school.

THUR 27. Lecture. by Leutenant Sheffener was on Blinker after noon was out on the range.

FRI 28. was with Lt. Brown mess Hall lecture and on Blinker was on School.

SAT 29. was on switch board oporator at Hdq. was on the second turn.

SUN 30. was muster two was at Base ball games. Hdq co and Btty A score 3-2 afternoon we played the 13th FA the score was 9-0 in favor of us. I also wrote several letters to the U.S.A. it was nice day.

MON 1. morning Lecture afternoon was over at the School. Eve was at a ball game B. and S. S one 6-4.

TUE 2. was on Lecture in morning in the afternoon was at school. and on Horse detail Ball game C and F score 3-0.
WED 3. was doing bunk fatigue. and on switch board oporator. (Good Luck) Ball game Hdq and score 29-7 favor of Hdq.

THUR. 4. HOLIDAY. was a Holiday in the morning was at a ball game after noon was bunk fatigue. Ball game Suply and Btty E Suply 5 Bty E 4.

FRI 5. morning was on putting up line and gas drill. afternoon was on school ball game A. 8 score A 7 R 6.

SAT 6. morning was on duty after noon was at the Ball game Hdq and Suply score 2-1 favor of Suply. eve game C and A score 7-2.

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SUN 7. morning was at Ball game E. F. score 8-7 favor of F. game 18 innings. second game ordiance and medical score 15-11 favor of medical corps.

MON 8. morning was on range afternoon was at school. in eve was at Ball game. A and C. 6-2 in favor of C.

TUE 9. was on range afternoon was at school. was on Amunition guard at night at YMCA. Ball game Suply 2, Btty. C 1.

WED 10. was on guard all day it was a gold brick job. slept most all the day. Ballgame Hdq-1 Btty F-2 10 innings.

THUR 11. was on the range in morning with afternoon was over at school. Ball game A and B. A-1 B-5.

FRI 12. was on range on telephone. Afternoon was at school. eve was at Ball game.

SAT 13. was on range in morning in afternoon was on Bunk fatigue no game on accout of parade.

SUN 14. French Holiday Sunday was down and groomed. rest of day bunk fatigue No ball game on Acct of Parade.

MON 15. was on switch board operator eve was Ball game Suply 2 F Btty 3.

TUE 16. was on range morning afternoon was at school was Damn Hot. HDQ 2 I BTTY 7.

WED 17. morning was out at tower 13 afternoon was at school awful Hot Pay day.

THUR 18. was on range in morning in the after noon was at school awful hot.

FRI 19. was on range in the morning. in the after noon took final Exams at School.

SAT 20. was in mess haul in morning in the afternoon was bunk fatigue.

SUN 21. They assigned Horses was at stables all for noon. after noon bunk fatigue.

MON 22. morning was at school on range in afternoon was at school in messhaul.

TUE 23. was on switch board. Second Relief morning was on Bunk fatigue.

WED 24. was out with Lt. Fisher in morning. afternoon in afternoon was on bunk fatigue. also went on guard Rc'd mail from U.S.A. Ball game C 1 HDQ 4.

THUR 25. on guard. Did not do any thing much but bunk fatigue was very nice day. B 8 F 4.

FRI 26. was out on Range with Lt Brown. in afternoon was at gashouse for gas instruction. Suply 10 A 2.

SAT 27. was on K.P. it was a very easy day was out early mess Sgt no good.

SUN 28. was bunk fatigue in the afternoon was at Ball game. Suply and Hdq Hdq pitcher got hurt. HDQ 3-4 Supl.

MON 29. was on Switch board Second relief lots of bunk fatigue Ball game 102 UM TRAIN 1022 77th 4.

TUE 30. was packing up to leave camp Desauge was very glad as it was a very sandy country.

WED 31. was finishing packing was helping the suply Sergant and loading boxes.

THUR 1. Left Camp Desogue traveled 10 in a box car it was fine lots of Room.

FRI 2. on road we traveled happy and the band played at all stops.

SAT 3. landed at Chateau Thiery it was just captured by third Division and our division.

SUN 4. was lost all day on way to get our regiment night went on to the front. under Capt McCatty sure thought we were in hell Right.

MON 5. on road up to the front it rained and we were under fire for first time.

TUE 6. on road under fire working on Communication with 149 F.A. and with 39 infantry.

WED 7. MISTAKE FIX same was with Lt. Powell on front with infantry on telephone work. Heavy machine gun fire.

THUR 8. Same worked with 47th infantry and Lt Canary it was shelled very bad and very much gas.

FRI 9. was on Duty with cpl. Chestnutwood. we were shelled very bad gas and 210th areoplans. put manchea gunsmoke.

SAT 10. same got lettr from Home which certainly was very welcome. Heavey gas and machine gun fire.

SUN 11. Same just same as before. moved out to old place. which was 100 yds from river rustile.

MON 12. changed outfits. old went out new came in. feed. water Hard tack corn willie lots of gas shells.

TUE 13. moved back to 305 Battelinon Hdq. feed Hard tack corn willie water. lots of shells Lots of gas.

WED 14. Same work But the grub. Fried spuds Sweet potatoes. and steak coffee bread butter jam.

THUR 15. Heavey machine gun fire. during the eve we salvaged some milk. cocoa peaches and Heavey machine gun fire.

FRI 16. moved back to Batt Hdq. on road all night we hiked till all our feet was sore.

SAT 17. we hiked all day and all night I was almost dead tired. fell asleep and hurt my hand.

SUN 18. Had a grand and glorious rest Slept all day and night. got 3 good meals.

MON 19. we hiked all day. But it was not so bad as we were all rested.

TUE 20. on road was loaded on train rode for 18 hours rode 40 in a car.

WED 21. on train and landed got a good swim and washed clothes water was fine. Toche de rion

THUR 22. was a day of rest was in swimming 3 or 4 times water was fine.

FRI 23. was a day of rest it rained some during the eve. The water was fine.

SAT 24. was resting and had a physical inspection. it rained all day hunting lice and K.S.P.

SUN 25. physical inspection and day of rest. did nothing but sleep. and Bed drills.

MON 26. started in too drill again. everything telephone. foot and school. Beat every thing as I am a fighting man not Buk.

TUE 27. Started out in field to infantry went 10 Kilometers and camped for night.

WED. 28. started on and in after noon went on manuvers. I hit the bunk.

THUR 29. was on same work me I was on bunk fatigue with Court.


FRI 30. morning same work. after noon met F Battery night met Regiment on road all night.

SAT 31. on road all night rested day in a dark woods lots of berries and plums.


SUN 1. on road all night rested day in a very wet muddy woods lots of eggs.

MON 2. LABOR DAY rested in woods all day and night. we were ion a woods at a Farm where the Gerry's got in 1914. no damage.

TUE 3. rested all day. and night we had a good place for our tents. berries lots.

WED 4. rested all day. except a few hours drill in blinker by Lt Fisher.

THUR 5. rested all day just camaflauged our tents. French wine and champane.

FRI 6. on manuvers all day. we were rehersing for our next drive.

SAT 7. rested all day move at night it rained most all the time.

SUN 8. rested all day moved at night Bought and stole some eggs. Very wet.

MON 9. morning moved out to new camp in dugouts. they were very nice.

TUE 10. rain dug out was a complete failure. everything got wet lost everything.

WED 11. in tin dug out very good. worked 6 hours making a dugout and go 2 hours sleep in it.

THUR 12. in old cave. got cooties there. and started big drive for metz known as San Mihiel drive.

FRI 13. on way to Metz we slept in good dutch beds the best place we slept in over here yet.

SAT 14. got relieved about 630 we started and moved all all night. nice night.

SUN 15. went to old horse eschelion and met company in Full.

MON 16. at rest we took a bath and a needed rest as we were all tired and lousy.

TUE 17. at rest. we done nothing did not even have beakfast it rained.

WED 18. at rest. also got a good bath at Hospital and some new clothes sure needed it.

THUR 19. at rest it rained most all day. I won 800 francs shooting craps gave Jack 300.

FRI 20. at rest and met Sudler. and got candy and cocoa at a Red cross canteen.

SAT 21. Talked to Sudler day of rest. in the woods. in Shelter tent with red.

SUN 22. morning day of rest after noon it rained evening we moved just a short Hike.

MON 23. we were up all day waiting orders from Col. to go up and put in communtications with Lt Fisher and cpl. Adams.

TUE 24. was a day of rest we did not do very much and nothing to eat and raining.

WED 25. we got supplies and had a warm supper. we got ready to leave for front. went to 47 inf. P.C.

THUR 26. was sent over the top at 501 no Resisantce much. was shot by machine gun at 7.18 same morning. Fixed up by Dick Hart of Trenton N.J.

FRI 27. was on Hospital train from evacuation Hospital #6 to Base Hospital #18 or John Hopkins unit from Baltimore got a good nights rest.

SAT 28. was in the Bed all day read and wrote to Bun. It was rather a cool day. got all new clothes.

SUN 29. got on Hospital train at Base Hospital 18 near New Chateau. was on train all day and night.


MON 30. was on train all day until about 830 at night we arrived at Hospital. Hospital is Base 144 near Bordeau.


TUE 1. was rather a cool day. I got new shoes and put them on my sore foot eve wrote letters home.

WED 2. was a cold morning but a very nice day was out walking a great deal. felt good.

THUR 3. morning went out for a walk met the old second cavalry chaplain moved out in tent.

FRI 4. was a cold and sulky day. went out for a long walk afternoon slept.

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SAT 5. was a nice warm day went out on a long walk and afternoon sleep.

SUN 6. morning was at curch heard a fine speech. was a nice day.

MON 7. monday was blue cold all day did not feel good. Slept all afternoon and eve.

TUE 8. morning rain. In the supper line I saw a fellow who I knew of old times Bob Hackenberger eve we were at a show.

WED 9. was out on a long walk with Bob we wrote a letter home and Bought grapes. Apples nuts eve we were no place.

THUR 10. on a long walk with Bob. we wrote a few letters and in eve went to the movies at Base 22. Red Cross.

FRI 11. Started and left Base 144 early. arrived at Camp Hunt at noon. met Dick Mitchell about 50 kilos from Bordeaux.

SAT 12. morning it rained. done some detail work. afternoon met Bill Corette and a bunch of 77th F.A. MEN Corp.

SUN 13. rained morning was done and vouloreteed for K.P. met Corp. Robinson. was a warm day.

MON 14. worked in kitchen all day was a nice warm day was up and got examined.

TUE 15. drew equipment to go it rained all day. also worked in kitchen.

WED 16. MISTAKE In morning was in kitchen in the afternoon moved up to the barracks.

THUR 17. was in barracks done nothing but Bunk fatigue. in the after noon it rained all day.

FRI 18. In the morning it was nice in the afternoon it rained. in eve it was nice met oaky and wickwire.

SAT 19. Robinson and I slept all day it was a nice day Slept all day.

SUN 20. Left camp Hunt at 2.30 in the afternoon. went in Bordeaux left there in the eve.

MON 21. was on road all day passed through Lamode wichey and other large towns.

TUE 22. was on road all day we were all crowed 40 men in a car. No room at all.

WED 23. morning we split up. I don't know which bunch we will go with.

THUR 24. was on the road met bun he was at evacuation Hospital no 7 at Souley.

FRI 25. was at St Meal. A French man cut us of and left us deserted there.

SAT 26. left St Meal went got a train and went to Commercy met our old bunch again. Slept in a farm met Slim.

SUN 27. stayed at Division Hdqs all day in a barn Had a good bed with good hay.

MON 28. started back to the out fit in a truck. went to Brigade Hdq and the Regiment was in the Forest De Hesse with Hdq co.

TUE 29. went to Battelion Hdq also the outfit went front again. after two days rest.

WED 30. Slept in the mud almost all went to the front but a few of us who kept the horses.

THUR 31. on guard as we had to wath the horses as some one was liable to get one horse was very valuable.

FRI 1. was grooming and watering horses it was very cold and rained a little.

SAT 2. rained and was cool all day slept quite a little. I watered and groomed.

SUN 3. In morning it rained in afternoon it was nice in the eve it rained.

MON 4. It rained also got mail from home. was over at the aviation Field.

TUE 5. was a nice day but it rained in the night. afternoon we had a inspection.

WED 6. went and got a can for a stove. Afternoon Helped the Rgt detail wind up wire.

THUR 7. Left Cross roads at monisiville and hiked about 20 kilometers to farm was very muddy roads.

FRI 8. left madeline farm and hiked to near Mealey where our Battelion was stationed rained all day.

SAT 9. worked on line all day. worked 18 hours with out any thing to.

SUN 10. Took up O.P. Line started to Brandyville. But was called back. night started to Charlo le gramma.

MON 11. Heard that armjustice was signed was a Happy bunch.

TUE 12. very muddy Hiked all day stopped in a nice Barracks near Monsiville in woods feet very sore very cold.

WED 13. we Hiked a short hike about 10 kilometers to dronpont we had a very good place to sleep.

THUR 14. we hiked to severy it was a 40 Kilo hike it was very cold. I was on guard. Slept all night.

FRI 15. we hiked 28 kiloes was tired and sick. it was cold. we stopped at Ponce de meuse.

SAT 16. we did not do anything but lay in bed it was rest. in billet.

SUN 17. it was a nice day we did nothing but rest. rather cold drew new clothes.

MON 18. morning. we drew horses for our reel carts. I got two big grey ones. frosty.

TUE 19. morning was up at shop to get a horse fixed up was frosty on guard.

WED 20. on guard and in afternoon drew and cleaned harness. got new feed bags. Blankets.

THUR 21. on road out side walked 35 kiloes slept out in the ground. Heavey Frost.

FRI 22. at Frarville 35 kiloes had a very good bed in a farm good place fore horses.

SAT 23. at Briel 18 kiloes we had a good place to sleep. Heavy Frost. Horses on picket line.

SUN 24. At Hyigean 25 kiloes it rained horses on a very muddy picket line.

MON 25. at was on guard. rained all day and night very muddy slept out.

TUE 26. on guard it quit raining. but was very muddy moved picket line.
WED 27. got out late for reveilee. it was wet an disigrable very muddy.
THUR 28. THANKSGIVING It did not rain but was very damp. steak spuds bread coffee.
FRI 29. was rained some was on guard moved picket line into some stables good place.
SAT 30. Came off guard took some horses down to Hdq. co. for to get new shoes on. Nice day. Steve go hurt.
Louis Klein

SUN 1. drew Rations. It was a nice day. we got orders to move it was a very frosty night.
MON 2. dont know name of place we stayed at we slept in a house on the straw very damp weather.
TUE 3. Rummelind me stayed in Billets I on guard I also hauled kitchen wageon it rained.
WED 4. rain Lots of vineyards we traveled all day very hilly country in the nosell River Valley. stayed in a Hotel.
THUR 5. damp. we went just a very short distance we put our horses in a Barn also slept in the Hay.
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FRI 6. Cloudey we passed through Tries one of the oldest cities in Germany. Some buildings 2000 years old.
SAT 7. rain we made a short hike. we stopped at A Chateau stables and everything Boko wine.
SUN 8. Cloudy we rested all day. we just cleaned up our equipment a little wine and beer plenty.
MON 9. rain on guard Started the hike again we hiked up some mountains about 8 kiloes high. good place to sleep.
TUE 10. We moved about 25 kiloes to a good place for our selves and horses but no place to go.
WED 11. we rested it was a rainy day. got my hair cut in the afternoon. Lots of Mail.
THUR 12. We rested I went after Rations and forage was gone all day. it rained all day.
FRI 13. we moved out again we moved about 18 kilos it rained all day night on guard. nice night.
SAT 14. we moved out all day long and up till 9 at night went up a big mountain slept on floor.
SUN 15. we did not move till 130 then we just went 3 kiloes slept in Barn very good place.
MON 16. we rested all day night we moved in Billets in a house not very good.
TUE 17. we rested was so very tired. we got a good supply of bread and coffee here.
WED 18. moved to Hambush we put up a telephone line to Raiseresch got a good billet.
THUR 19. rested done nothing but eat and slept. also took a bath first one for 2 months.
FRI 20. rested. just eat and slept. washed some clothes and cleaned my harness.
SAT 21. went to Kaiserish for mail. It was a nice day but roads were wet.
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SUN 22. Horse exercise we went out for a short ride in the mud with Capt Rosh.
MON 23. Regular army duties. we done our regular work looked after our horses.
TUE 24. We had no Revivlees or Retreats us who had horse looked after them the rest done nothing.
WED 25. CHRISTMAS We all went to Kaisivch and ate dinner with Hdq Capt. Marshall was CoC. we had a extra good dinner. about 3 in snow on the ground.
THUR 26. we washed and cleaned up our reel cart and wagons also got ready for march.
FRI 27. Took my old Horse mike out for a ride in the woods.
SAT 28. our galliant Captain had us out for a inspection by major Stiong excused us all.
SUN 29. we all got Hell for not getting up till after 1130 But what the Hell do we care.
MON 30. I went after mail I got a letter and my box from home was glad to recieve.
TUE 31. was the last of the year I was at the commisary and. was S.O.L. for everything.
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