ÿþ<html> <head> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="2/77Army Artillery Stories,6/77Army Artillery Stories, Personnel Rosters, 2/77Artillery Pictures, 6/77Artillery Pictures, Photos, Graphics, Rosters of 2/77Field Artillery Killed In Action, KIA, 6/77Field Artillery Killed In Action. WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Artillery, Army, 2d Battalion, 77th Artillery, Veterans, Field Artillery, Cu Chi, Dau Tieng, Soui Dau, Soui Da, Soui Cut, Soui Tre, BURT, MAHONE, WOOD, CROOK, PIKE, FSB, RADAR, COUNTER MORTAR, REACTION, AO, FO, SURVEY"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Stories, Rosters, Pictures, of the 2d & 6th Battalions of the U.S. Army Field Atillery, and its veterans"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Michael Pectol"> <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="NOTE PAD"> <title>Honoring our KIAs!</title> </head> <body bgcolor="black"> <font color="silver"> <bgsound src="BlueBayouLindaRhondstadt.mp3" loop="1"> <center><img src="pflaga.gif" BORDER=0></center> <center><img src="new77falogo.jpg"> </center> <hr color=silver> <center><b>| <a href="honors.html">Back to KIA Roster</a>|</b></center> <hr color=silver> <center><b>Panel 17E, Row 13 </center><br> <center><h3>David Clyde Rodgers </h3></center> <img src=puc.jpg><img src=nov6rpok.jpg><center><img src="1yr-bronze.jpg"></center> <br> Born on: 8/10/1945 <br> Below are some rememberances left for him: <br> <hr color=silver> Rose Gordon As I write these few lines to honor you, I pray that your death was quick and that you were immediately sped into the Kingdom as you gave your life so that others might live. You were a blessing, David, and I wish I had gotten to know you better. I will never forget you, and I will always be grateful that you sacrificed your life for our freedom. As Jesus said, "No greater love has a brother than he who lays down his life for a friend." God bless you for laying down your life for me. Love you forever, Your aunt in-law, Rose Friday, February 04, 2005 <hr color=silver> Dear David Clyde Rodgers,<br> I am a sophomore at Gridley High School in Gridley, Illinois. I am posting this remembrance as part of the Gridley High School Posting Project. I would like take these next few moments to thank you soldier. Thank you for all you have done for our country and for me. No words, nor medals, nor honors can thank you the way you deserve. You left everything to fight for what you believed in and you gave your life doing it. I have no idea what I would have done in your place, and so I thank you and honor you. Thank you soldier, and may God be with your family and those who were close to you.<br> Humbly and respectfully,<br> Posted by: Marie Shank April 10, 2004 <hr color=silver> <center><b>| <a href="honors.html">Back to KIA Roster</a>|</b></center> <hr color=silver> </body> </html>