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2/77 Army Field Artillery (VIETNAM)
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Friday 02/05/2010 9:58:22am
Name: R. A. Wehner
E-Mail: randyw1234@aol.com
Referred By: Friend
City/Country: Odessa Mo U.S.A.
Comments: Great Site I got here by useing our link from our home page c/322 association. I served in infantry 4th and 25th div 67-68 and I believe your unit was their with us through some big battles.I am in contact through a xmas package i sent to a person at random LTC Mike Forsyth 2/77 in Afghanistan. I will write and tell him about this site.

Monday 01/18/2010 10:47:08am
Name: Michael Pectol
Homepage: http://277arty.net
E-Mail: focus11c@netscape.com
Referred By: Friend
City/Country: Phoenix, Arizona
Comments: Hi, Guys and Gals!
Hope you are havin a good day!

I just finished self publishing my book with the help of Remy Benoit.

A Rifleman First --
Is a story about a specific year in the lives of a specific segment of a specific unit in the U.S. Army Field Artillery during the specific year 1967 - 1968. It has some GREAT pictures, and most who have read it liked it a lot. Specific Troopers who ended up doing

ARMY JOB 1 ----A Rifleman First

When things got 'hot' during Base Camp or FSB attacks. It also pays homage to the units we supported and supported us, 2/77FA, (105mm Towed).

A portion of my share of the proceeds goes to support Veteran's and other Chaities.

So if you are or think anyone you know might be interested in a pretty decent, slightly different story about the Vietnam and other wars, you or they can hit the following link. And help me, and you, and several charities and help preserve a specific part of the history of America's fighting men!

God Bless All!


Michael (Sgt.Mikie) Pectol

Sunday 01/17/2010 6:38:02pm
Name: Bill Schneider
E-Mail: bill114@netzero.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City/Country: Bartlett, Illinois/ USA
Comments: A Btry 2/77 Arty. FDC until October 1967

Sunday 01/17/2010 6:33:45pm
Name: Bill Schneider
E-Mail: bill114@netzero.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City/Country: Bartlett/ America

Tuesday 01/05/2010 9:37:05pm
Name: Rance Jurevwicz, Capt., USA, Ret
Homepage: http://www.veteranprograms.com
E-Mail: admin@veteranprograms.com
Referred By: Friend
City/Country: Highland, CA
Comments: w w w . v e t e r a n p r o g r a m s . c o m

Happy New Year! We love this website. It has been very helpful for our members. Also, our members tell us that our website is the best place for veterans to find information about compensation, pension and benefits for veterans. We have been told that VSOs now recommend that veterans visit our website first before filing a claim. Veterans learn about the process, who to see, where to go, and how to maximize their disability claims. Visit today!

w w w . v e t e r a n p r o g r a m s . c o m

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