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2/77 Army Field Artillery (VIETNAM)
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Thursday 03/03/2011 9:57:27am
Name: Jim Hoff
E-Mail: jhoff93@tampabay.rr.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: Larry Pollock,Al Thomas,and Newhouse and all the guys that didn't come home will not be forgotten..
and where are Townsend,Haupt,Keppler,Buzzy,Herrera....and one more year guys when the SS checks start coming in....never forget

Tuesday 03/01/2011 2:59:23pm
Name: Jim Hoff
E-Mail: jhoff93@tampabay.rr.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City/Country: St Pete florida
Comments: new eml address,let me hear from ya.....

Friday 02/18/2011 11:19:02pm
Name: "SgtMikie"
Homepage: http://277arty.net
E-Mail: focus11d@hotmail.com
Referred By: Friend
City/Country: Phoenix, AZ
Comments: Message to Danny Freeman, 6/77FA Veteran -
Not sure the reply to your posting will get to you, because when I hit 'send' I got the don't have an email address error message. So, I did the goodest I could to TRY to figure it out.

ALL VISITORS - PLEASE - PUT A VALID - Email address, because I WILL be trying to get back to you and welcome you and address your comments. And invite you to join our Association, and meet with us at the Reunions Coming up, so we can thank you for your sevice in person. The one in Colorado in Sep. of this year is BOUND to be a great time. Beautiful state, scenery, AND they are for now, at least planning some live fire demonstrations, etc. and maybe will host the banquet also. At any rate, undoubtedly, There will VERY likely be some of the ACTIVE DUTY Members of the Association from the 2/77 attending. And you will get a chance to thank THEM in person. Plus as always and FOREVER, this and the 77fa.org Sites are works in progress with a lot to catch up on, and we are doin our goodest to make and keep them interesting and helpful to you.

If you want to join the Association, there is a MEMBERSHIP navigation button on the left side of the page at


Just click the button.

HOO-AH, brothers,
Sgt Mikie, 2/77FA VN Web Guy

Friday 02/18/2011 0:39:23am
Name: Sherman Bayless
E-Mail: shermangene@cox.net
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City/Country: Las Vegas, NV
Comments: I was in 2/77 in '70, in Cu Chi and FSB Kein. I was a Medic.

Wednesday 02/02/2011 2:02:06pm
Name: danny freeman
E-Mail: danny and phil @yahoo.com
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City/Country: bartlesville ok.
Comments: i'vebeen looking for the 6/77 for years.now i don't feel lost. thank you

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