Falcon Logo used Courtesy of Jim Bowers, 77th FA Assn.
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Since this site is about "2/77FA" You will see the names of our KIAs Scrolling across the Top, and bottom of this page.
Rock'N Roll With C-Battery, 2/77FA, The action shot below is the link to a video from that FSB. There are 3, and that one is the largest one. Our Infantry was getting a lot of action close to the base, so, we were firing a LOT of missions!!And as you watch, you will see a lot of Air Strikes pretty close. (before and after the Battle for FSB BURT, Late Dec. '67 - early Jan '68)Also, we stayed there after the battle,until the last of Jan. when TET started.
There is also some footage of DT Base Camp. That footage is Before or after the Battle.
Probly both! Thanks Much to Ignatious "Iggy" Castaldo for this
There is also some video of his Homecoming, which will no doubt, also bring at least SOME fond memories! That is what I hope!
The link below, is to the second largest video. They are arranged from largest to smallest,4 in all.
It is 105MM rounds of ammo, partially prepped to fire
I tested and Windows Media player worked fine. GO FULL SCREEN,
AND IT ZOOMS IN CLOSE, AND YOU ARE THERE. If it doesn't play in your browser, it is worth the time to switch temporarily to your Internet Explorer. In chrome, it just wants to download it to your drive,and have you play it there. Blecch!!!!
'Nuff said!
the image below, is the link to the 3d video.
It shows the gun crew,adjusting the piece,to a mission
And the below image is just about the last step before the lanyard is pulled, sending 105MM of death WHOOSHING down range to the enemy.