ÿþ<html> <head> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="2/77Army Artillery Stories,6/77Army Artillery Stories, Personnel Rosters, 2/77Artillery Pictures, 6/77Artillery Pictures, Photos, Graphics, Rosters of 2/77Field Artillery Killed In Action, KIA, 6/77Field Artillery Killed In Action. WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Artillery, Army, 2d Battalion, 77th Artillery, Veterans, Field Artillery, Cu Chi, Dau Tieng, Soui Dau, Soui Da, Soui Cut, Soui Tre, BURT, MAHONE, WOOD, CROOK, PIKE, FSB, RADAR, COUNTER MORTAR, REACTION, AO, FO, SURVEY"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Stories, Rosters, Pictures, of the 2d & 6th Battalions of the U.S. Army Field Atillery, and its veterans"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Michael Pectol"> <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="NOTE PAD"> <title>Honoring our KIAs!</title> </head> <body bgcolor="black"> <font color="silver"><body bgcolor="black"> <font color="silver"><center><img SRC="pflaga.gif" BORDER=0> <bgsound src="BlueBayouLindaRhondstadt.mp3" loop="1"> <center><img src="new77falogo.png"></center><br> <hr color=silver> <center><b>| <a href="honors.html">Back to KIA Roster</a>|</b></center> <hr color=silver> <center><img src="maxiesm.jpg"></center> <center><b>Panel 35E, Row 41 </center><br> <center><h3>Maxie Lane Price <hr color=silver> <center><img src="armyarty.gif"></center> <center><img src="25idsm.gif"></center> <img src=puc.jpg><img src=nov6rpok.jpg><center><img src="1yr-gc.jpg"></center> </h3></center> <br> Born on: : 11/03/1947 <br> Maxie joined the Armed Forces while in Greenville, South Carolina. He served as an Artillery Forward Observer's RTO and acting FO. During his service, he attained the rank of Sgt. E-5. He perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Tay Ninh Province. <br> <br> <center>Gone but not forgotten</center><br> Just wanted to let you know that you will always be remembered, not only in the hearts and minds of those that knew you, but here on our 2/77 site and your sacrifice cherished by us along with your memory! <br> Rest in peace, brother <br> <hr color=silver> <center><b>| <a href="honors.html">Back to KIA Roster</a>|</b></center> <hr color=silver> </body> </html>