ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Thomas (Tom) Daniel's "Mole City" Vietnam Album. B/2/77, '68 - '69</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="2/77Army Artillery Stories,6/77Army Artillery Stories, Personnel Rosters, 2/77Artillery Pictures, 6/77Artillery Pictures, Photos, Graphics, Rosters of 2/77Field Artillery Killed In Action, KIA, 6/77Field Artillery Killed In Action. WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Artillery, Army, 2d Battalion, 77th Artillery, Veterans, Field Artillery"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Stories, Rosters, Pictures, of the 2d & 6th Battalions of the U.S. Army Field Atillery, and its veterans"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Michael Pectol"> <META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html> <META NAME=language CONTENT=English> <META NAME=description CONTENT=Web Album Generated by PhotoBase> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=OLIVE TEXT=#000000 LINK=#238E23 VLINK=RED> <bgsound src="CCRRunThroughTheJungle.mp3" loop="1"> <hr color=red> <H3><CENTER>|<a href="ftlewisalbum.html">Ft. Lewis</a> | <a href="boatalbum.html">The Cruise</a> | <a href="bearcatalbum.html">Bear Cat</a> | <a href="convoyalbum.html">Convoy to Dau - Tieng</a> | <a href="dautiengalbum.html">Building Dau - Tieng</a> |<BR> <a href="genericcombatartyopns.html">General, Arty OPS</a> |<a href="souitrealbum.html">Battle of Soui - Tre</a> |<a href="warriorssouitrealbum.html"> A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre</a> | <a href="burtalbum.html">FSB BURT</a> | <hr color=red> <center> <a href="a212safarialbum.html">Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos</a> |<a href="tet68album.html">Tet @ Dau - Tieng</a> | <a href="index.html">HOME</A> | <a href="lifeforfoteam.html">Life as an FO's Rto</a> |<BR> <b>|<a href="whoarethey.html">Who are these Guys? </a>| <a href="alphaalbum.html">Alpha Battery Album '68</a> | <A HREF="a212homealbum.html">A/2/12Inf. @ Home</A> | <hr color=red> | <A HREF="STONEALBUM.html">A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission"</a> | <A HREF="uptight70.html">Uptight 2/77FA & Cambodia '70</a> | <hr color=red> <center><h2><font color=red><a href=mailto:luckbox9999@yahoo.com>"Tom" Daniel's</a> B/2/77FA "Mole City" Album for 1969</h2></font></center> <center><img src=tomdanielrosterthn.jpg> <img src=pokerface.jpg></center> <hr> Mole city was out in the middle of rice paddies about 15 mi. south of Tay Ninh, right near the "Parrot's Beak". Mole City got it’s name because almost everything except a lookout tower and the kitchen was at least partially underground. B/2/77 went in right after New Year's 1969 and stayed until April. Re-Supply was by chopper, out of Tay Ninh. <br> Thanks to Tom for these donations. <br> <TABLE BORDER=2 ALIGN=CENTER> <tr> <td><a href="mole6.jpg"><img src="mole6_sm.jpg"></a><br><small>This is where Tom and his ammo Crew spent a lot of their Vietnam Time.</small></td> <td><a href="mole14.jpg"><img src="mole14_sm.jpg"></a><br><small>This is pretty clear for an aerial shot. Mole City.</small></td> <td><a href="so15.jpg"><img src="so15_sm.jpg"></a><br><small>The Ceremony at Mole City. Half of Ammo getting ARCOM, Tom Bronze-Star. <br> (This is a correction. Originally, I thought the Arcoms and Tom's Bronze were with the V for valor. Having read Tom's Citation, I believe they in fact <b>SHOULD</b> have been. Tom and his crew braved MORTAR and Rocket fire to fulfill that mission and supply <b>110 tons</b> of urgently needed ammo to Dau-Tieng Base due to increased enemey activity in that area. So, in my opinion, this is yet another example of Army SNAFU.) --'nuff said. </small></td> <td><a href="TrangBang.jpg"><img src="TrangBang_sm.jpg"></a><br><small>USO Show, Trang Bang. 4 July, '68. By the way, this and the Pool at DT are the only photos that are NOT at Mole City, so far.</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="ammosection-2.jpg"><img src="ammosection-2_sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Ammo Section & 2 other Guys At FSB WOOD 1. Clockwise from Tom, top left; Peter Noel, I think from Conn.; Johnson, from CA; the BC's driver, who's name Tom doesn't recall; John Otero, believed from NM; Calp, who's home Tom doesn't recall; and Smith (Smitty) from the Maintenance section.</small></td> <td><a href="1.jpg"><img src="1_sm.jpg"></a><br><small>FSB MCNair. FSB McNair- L-R Lambert, unknown, Smitty with Brent Gayler's flak jacket after a mortar attack. Happily, Brent was NOT in it! </small></td> <td><a href="3dbdepool-dt.png"><img src="3dbdepool-dt-sm.png"></a><br><small>I'm not sure when in '68 this was. It was when I was there the 3RD BDE, 25 INF DIV. POOL. Much of 2/77 Moved to Cu-Chi some time in '68. And yes, It did have a playboy insignia at the bottom. That's Tom at the Pool. I made 2 Dives, and our 67 -68 Focus crew had a heck of a time at that pool only once. </small></td> <td><a href="airmobile-ammo-tayninh.jpg"><img src="airmobile-ammo-tayninh-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Had to lift a LOT of ammo to the Battery at DT from Tay Ninh. This is how it was done when road transport was not feasible or too slow. </small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="best-pokerplayr-nam-and-tom.jpg"><img src="best-pokerplayr-nam-and-tom-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>This is Tom and the best poker player in 'Nam killin time with a couple of hands. </small></td> <td><a href="bootiful-kids-tayninh.jpg"><img src="bootiful-kids-tayninh-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Some beautiful kids tay ninh area. </small></td> <td><a href="bunkers-tayninh-area.jpg"><img src="bunkers-tayninh-area-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Some bunkers in the Tay Ninh area</small></td> <td><a href="chinook-goin-up-tayninh.jpg"><img src="chinook-goin-up-tayninh-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Another load goin up under a chinook</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="convoy-near-tayninh.jpg"><img src="convoy-near-tayninh-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>B Battery in convoy near Tay Ninh. Looking forward towards gun 4 </small></td> <td><a href="fsbhull1.jpg"><img src="fsbhull1-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>An Airstrike between FSB WOOD II AND NUI BHA DHEN. </small></td> <td><a href="fsbhull2.jpg"><img src="fsbhull2-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>FSB Hull and shows R-L standing, Firing Battery Chief MSG Johnson, Otero, Noel, PFC Johnson (no relation), and Calp, fixing a flat tire. </small></td> <td><a href="fsbwood.jpg"><img src="fsbwood-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>FSB Wood II also. Same air strike</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="fsb-wood2.jpg"><img src="fsb-wood2-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Bunker at FSB WoodII. </small></td> <td><a href="god-i-hated-that-job.jpg"><img src="god-i-hated-that-job-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>This is a pic of TayNinh, and was apparently during the Emergency Re-Supply of DT Base. I really HATED hookin 'em up. Wonder if anyone else did? </small></td> <td><a href="insert-fused round-here.jpg"><img src="insert-fusedround-here-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Put that big bullet in the hole</small></td> <td><a href="johnson-and-flores.jpg"><img src="johnson-and-flores-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Johnson and Flores at FSB Danford</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="snugglin-up-chinook.jpg"><img src="snugglin-up-chinook-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Takin a 'lean up' break against a Chinook.</small></td> <td><a href="standup-hookup-jumpoff-run.jpg"><img src="standup-hookup-jumpoff-run-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Stand up, - Hook up, Jump off - and RUN</small></td> <td><a href="tayninh1.jpg"><img src="tayninh1-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>mess hall at Tay Ninh that took a direct hit from a 122 mm rocket (no casualties). </small></td> <td><a href="the-brute.jpg"><img src="the-brute-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>What Field Artillery is about</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="tom-3bdepool-dt.jpg"><img src="tom-3bdepool-dt-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom at the pool. Plain-tee good fun</small></td> <td><a href="tom-fsb.jpg"><img src="tom-fsb-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom at a FSB Beside a VC skull on a post on the perimeter wire at Mole City</small></td> <td><a href="tom-garlandglaze-gainesville-ga.jpg"><img src="tom-garlandglaze-gainesville-ga-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom and Garland Glaze from Gainesville Georgia. At Tay Ninh, though not ACTUALLY. Fsbs were named for the city, village, or Creek they were nearest to. I.E. TayNinh. </small></td> <td><a href="tom-gettin-field-strac.jpg"><img src="tom-gettin-field-strac-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom gettin "strac" in the field. At FSB Danford</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="tom-hootch-dt.jpg"><img src="tom-hootch-dt-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom by a hootch at DT</small></td> <td><a href="tom-hootch-dt2.jpg"><img src="tom-hootch-dt2-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom by hootch again.</small></td> <td><a href="tom-nam.jpg"><img src="tom-nam-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Another shot of Tom in 'Nam. a village close to Mole City</small></td> <td><a href="toms-not-so-sweet-home.jpg"><img src="toms-not-so-sweet-home-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom's not - so - sweet home at FSB Hull. </small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="tom-thumper-dt.jpg"><img src="tom-thumper-dt-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom with his "Thumper" At DT Base. Or so we of earlier years called it. </small></td> <td><a href="tom-thumper-ready.jpg"><img src="tom-thumper-ready-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom and "Thumper" are ready for anything. At an FSB very near Tay Ninh</small></td> <td><a href="viet-funeral.jpg"><img src="viet-funeral-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>A Vietnamese Funeral near FSB Hull. </small></td> <td><a href="bbattery-greenshowr.jpg"><img src="bbattery-greenshowr-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>This is Tom and the Ammo Crew's Solar heated shower. At Fsb Danford. The lump under neath the plastic is the section M-60 MG. Vietnam Troops went "Green" before it was in 'fashion'</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="bectel-l-convoy-tayninh-trangbang-withbrute.jpg"><img src="bectel-l-convoy-tayninh-trangbang-withbrute-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Bectel on the left convoy from Tay Ninh to Trang Bang, towing the gun Brute<small></td> <td><a href="dtncoclub-xmaspartygirl.jpg"><img src="dtncoclub-xmaspartygirl-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Some of the NCO Club Xmas Party entertainment</small></td> <td><a href="dtxmas-partygirl.jpg"><img src="dtxmas-partygirl-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Just a different position. FSB WOOD I. </small></td> <td><a href="dtxmas-singrgirl2.jpg"><img src="dtxmas-singrgirl2-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Another Singer Girl</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="xmasparty-singergirl.jpg"><img src="xmasparty-singergirl-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>More of the entertainment</small></td> <td><a href="tom-atdanford.jpg"><img src="tom-atdanford-sm.jpg"></a><br><small>Tom at FSB Danford</small></td> <td><a href="tom-at-wood.jpg"><img src="tom-at-wood-sm.jpg"> </a><br><small>Tom at FSB Wood</small></td> <td><a href="brentgaylorDTNCOXMASPARTY.jpg"> <img src="brentgaylorDTNCOXMASPARTY-sm.jpg"><br></a> <small> This is Tom's Buddy Brent Gayler at the DT NCO Christmas party. Lower right corner. Sorry it was previously mis-spelled </small> </td> </tr> <td><a href="McNAIR-oopsie.jpg"><img src="McNAIR-oopsie-sm.jpg"><br></a><small>This is Tom with his foot in the hole an 81mm Mortar fired from an 82mm VC/NVA tube in the bed of one of his section's trucks. </small></td> <td><a href="VNTombo.jpg"><img src="VNTombo-sm.jpg"><br></a><small>BEFORE there was Rambo, there was TOMBO. </small></td> <td><a href="MoleCitytower.png"><img src="MoleCitytower-sm.png"></a><br><small>A Great shot of the "Mole City" Guard/Counter-Mortar Tower</small></td> </tr> </TABLE> <hr color=red> <center>| <a href="indexmain.html" target="righttarget">HOME</A> | <hr color=red> <H3><CENTER>|<a href="ftlewisalbum.html">Ft. 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