ÿþ<html> <head> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="2/77Army Artillery Stories,6/77Army Artillery Stories, Personnel Rosters, 2/77Artillery Pictures, 6/77Artillery Pictures, Photos, Graphics, Rosters of 2/77Field Artillery Killed In Action, KIA, 6/77Field Artillery Killed In Action. WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Artillery, Army, 2d Battalion, 77th Artillery, Veterans, Field Artillery, Cu Chi, Dau Tieng, Soui Dau, Soui Da, Soui Cut, Soui Tre, BURT, MAHONE, WOOD, CROOK, PIKE, FSB, RADAR, COUNTER MORTAR, REACTION, AO, FO, SURVEY"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Stories, Rosters, Pictures, of the 2d & 6th Battalions of the U.S. Army Field Atillery, and its veterans"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Michael Pectol"> <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="NOTE PAD"> <title>Honoring our KIAs!</title> </head> <body bgcolor="black"> <font color="silver"><center><img SRC="pflaga.gif" BORDER=0> <bgsound src="BlueBayouLindaRhondstadt.mp3" loop="1"> </center> <center><img src="new77falogo.png"></center><br> <hr color=silver> <center><b>| <a href="honors.html">Back to KIA Roster</a>|</b></center> <hr color=silver> <center><img src="Cruzhonors.jpg"></center> <center><b>Panel 16E, Row119 </b></center> <center><b><h3>Richard Perez Cruz</h3></b></center> <hr color=silver> <center><img src="armyarty.gif"></center> <center><img src="4infdiv2.gif"></center> <img src=puc.jpg><img src=nov6rpok.jpg> <center><img src="1yr-gc.jpg"></center> <b>was born on 10/3/1945<br> Below are some remembrances posted for him:<br> Since 1970 I have been in possesion of Richard P.Cruzs' bracelet.We bought these to commemorate our fallen brothers/sisters. I was a young teen in Pacifica, CA. I think we called them POW/MIA bracelets.My Aunt Marie has Mjr Larry J Hanley Laos 2-6-79.I wear my bracelat on every vacation I take. He has been to Lake Tahoe, Maui, San Diego, Aspen, 4 racetracks on the NASCAR circuit, (Pheonix, Las Vegas, California and my personal favorite, Searspoint (akaInfenion)He has enjoyed a vacation on the island of Oahu and stayed @ Bellows recreation center, went to Kaneohe Marine Base and spent a couple vacations at the Hale Koa. It is always a high point when it is recognized and a conversation ensuses. As we pray for our Armed Forces in harms way this Christmas, please know that Cruz is safe on my arm and always remembered. I wore his/her MIA bracelet ER Carder December 15, 2004 <br> <hr color=silver> I was a combat medic assigned to Battery C 77 th Artillary 4th Infantry Division. Thats where I met Peter Cruz. He was the battery armourer. Because we didnt have a regular artillary assignment we hung out togather. The Armourer, the medic,the cook and a few others. He became my best friend. he was also the best liked guy in the company. He would never say no to a favor. Sometimes we would race to see who could take apart or put togather weapons. He would allways just beat me. When I would ask him how he allways managed it he would laugh and say his special armourer training was the difference but he would never tell me the secret.One day he found a duck in the base camp and brought it to the company area for a pet. The duck made himself at home. After Pete passed on the duck was allways "Cruz's duck" and no one bothered it. I was with Pete the night he died. He was hit by a piece of shrapnel and by the time I got to him he had lost a lot of blood. The helicopter sent for him was delayed and by the time it arrived he was going into shock. Later the word came back that he died inroute. Its been 32 years and I think about him very often.He was my best friend and I loved him..... Eugene Pacinella January 22, 1999 <hr color=silver> <center><b>| <a href="honors.html">Back to KIA Roster</a>|</b></center> <hr color=silver> </body> </html>