![](sm_ltrposkeymartinsondoc.jpg) ltr:Poskey Martinson and Doc
![](sm_berniesnapsm.jpg) Bernie's nap
![](sm_dicecraps.jpg) On board entertainment
![](sm_ltrjerryriceandunknown.jpg) ltr:Jerry Rice an unknown troop
![](sm_ltrpatrickdoyleanrichardson.jpg) ltr:Patrick Doyle and Richardson
![](sm_bakwesroyalfrntmartygentner.jpg) In bak Wes Royal in frnt Marty Gentner.jpg
![](sm_makeittitephil.jpg) Make it tight, Phil!
![](sm_nahaokinawaharbor.jpg) Naha Okinawa Harbor
![](sm_mascaroboat1firedrill.jpg) Fire drill on board John says the one on the upper left is Leo Urso |
![](sm_mascaroboat2.jpg) Troops gettin some fresh salt air
![](sm_convoyvungtau2bearcat.jpg) John's shot of the convoy from Vung Tau to Bearcat
![](sm_jimhoffonboat.jpg) Jim Hoff on the Boat
![](sm_richonboat.jpg) Rich Buckland, B Btry
![](sm_BP0001.jpg) Another B Btry Troop
| ![](sm_BP0002.jpg) One More B Btry |
![](sm_BP0003.jpg) A Group of B? Troops? |
![](sm_MePlus.jpg) Rich and a Group of B Btry troops |