Falcon Logo used Courtesy of Jim Bowers, 77th FA Assn.
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Source:Dusty Lowe.
Below are some of the personal souveniers Dusty and his crew got from the "gentlemen" who were the enemy the night before. I didn't look at any as close as he did, but he tells me they had American Zippo Lighters, and American High School Class rings on them, among other things.

And this next entry, also sent by Dusty, is the "Unofficial" so as to be politically correct, I suppose, account of the battle, complete with a more accurate battle map showing the actual boundaries of the FSB, and placement of the guns, etc. I don't remember everything, but I remember crossing that path a lot of times, and still being on the FSB. If it hadn't been, ain't no way I'd have gone across that road without at least a battalion of Infantry! The map was the last page of the letter but let's put it first so it can be compared with my memory and Dusty's. Perhaps of interest, at least of interest to the 2/77 Men, it was also a sort of commendation of all the men in the battle, which was EVERYONE WHO COULD STIL WALK, and was should have been inserted in all 201 files of all of us.
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