This is John Edwards Chaplain Album

For many troops, staying close to God or getting to him because of the horrors of war was a very VITAL thing. It helped many recover or maintain their sanity, both during their tours of duty or after. It helped give them strength and make sense of something that at times, made no sense at all. The pics in this album are about I believe John said, the Brigade Chaplains, who performed that function of helpin the troops keep or find their faith. So, thanks much to you, John for these great pics! John was originally an infantry trooper, but became a Chaplain's assistant and did the rest of his tour of duty in that job, I believe.

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
| A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission" | Uptight 2/77FA & Cambodia '70 |

L. to R. John Edwards, Dan Eddinger (another assistant)
By Memorial Chapel, Dau Tieng

Tom Madrid, Father Tobin's assistant.
Inside Chapel during a service. Nov/Dec '67

Father Tobin takin care of business in the chapel. Nov/Dec '67

Three of the other Brigade Chaplains by Chapel.
L. to R. Chaplain Berry, Chaplain Schaub, Chaplain Wilson.
Nov/Dec '67

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
| A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission" | Uptight 2/77FA & Cambodia '70 |


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