Bob Nigra is on the left Art Fontanelli middle and we think, Don Pederson is on the right
of the Duster. We think the dusters were from the 5/2 Air Defense Arty
One of the Battery 3/4 ton trucks
This is the passenger 'shooting' the driver
Here are a couple more troopies. Know who?
Here's a troop 'chillin' in the hootch . Know what hootch? Or who he is?
Miller Time. We always want to know who the troops are
Another inside shot of 'Home Sweet Home.'
Anyone know Which buildings this troop is by?
What about this guy?
Got to be a BN or Battery Big Building?
More indoor adventures at DT
This looks like the same building as the black and white just to the left?
Commo People around a Radio Jeep?
More base camp stuff
Great living quarters shots. But we still want to know Who are the troops?
This time, we want to know what are those 2 doing?
More shots of Commo's DT Hilton
Is that the same BIG bunker?
Nap time
So, what is the BIG bunker for?
So is that the same bunker as in the previous shot?
Another "Name those Troops" shot
Again, what is the building?
Cp Group
More fun with the locals
Love those hueys!
What are these guys doing?
Is this the same 2 story bunker?