During '66 - '67, All the Infantry units in 1st and 3rd Brigades, (Tay Ninh - 1st, Dau Tieng - 2nd) drew temporary assignments on the "Black Virgin Mountain", which was infamous for being a VC/NVA stronghold. It was also rumored to have caves and tunnels, and probably a HQ of some kind, along with hospitals, and supply depots. But there was a Signal Interception and Relay site at the top of it. The assignment to protect the top, and patrol between the top and bottom was rotated among all the Infantry units. Forgot how long assignments lasted, a week or a month. At any rate, Most stories I heard, the patrol started at the top, and ended at the bottom. And once in a while, there were night ambushes pulled. At any rate, this information, donated by Michael Stone of the A/2/12 shows some of the wildlife they encountered during that assignment. Except the pictures of the Song Saigon Bridge. My understanding of Vietnamese wildlife is that the Tiger would be about the rarest. They were s'posed to be only way up north, near China border. Or so we thought. You can tell - That be one BIG, BIG PUSSYCAT! Anyway, you can sure see for miles from up there!