Falcon Logo used Courtesy of Jim Bowers, 77th FA Assn.

Sgt. Chris' and Former U.S. Army Nurse, Col. Grethe Cammermeyer Album USA Ret. ---

Former Sgt. Chris Gaynor recently hosted the Col. in Vashon for honoring and a book signing. She served at 2 Army Hospitals in Vietnam, and of course, she helped save the lives of MANY wounded men. We ALL gratefuly to her for her service and the fine work she did not only in Vietnam, but all through her illustrious career! So, presented here rae some pictures of the visit. She also held a signing of her book "Serving in Silence".
Also in town for a Vist around that same time, were Brad Takei, and George Takei (The Famous "Mr. Sulu" of the Cult favorite sci-fi series "STAR TREK" --The ORIGINAL one, that many of us VN Veterans liked.) Chris, Paul Chen, Brad and George have been friends many years, beginning in L.A. Calif.

These pictures are copyrighted © Christopher B. Gaynor, 2011

You may feel free to download them for PERSONAL, non-commercial use only.
And of course, a Very Grateful THANK YOU to brother Christopher Gaynor for these great shots. As usual, click on the Thumbnail to see the FULL sized pic, whether or not you want to download it. (If there is one, the thumbnail will be surrounded by a blue border)

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
| A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission" | Uptight 2/77FA & Cambodia '70 |

| Chris' Other Album, Page 1 | Chris' Other Album, Page 2 |

Fmr. Sgt. Chris Gaynor and Col. Camy on the Ferry to VAshon from Seattle

Sgt. Chris and the Col. by part of the HOME OF RECORD Eshibit

The Col. signing her book "Serving in Silence" for some admirers

The Col. Visits the H.O.R "Hootch"

This is George Takei "Mr. Sulu"
If memory serves,he was the Navigator
On the original Starship Enterprise

Brad and George Takei and Paul Chen

The 4 Amigos. Brad, Chris, George and Paul

| Chris' Other Album, Page 1 | Chris' Other album, Page 2 |

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
| A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission" | Uptight 2/77FA & Cambodia '70 |