Falcon Logo used Courtesy of Jim Bowers, 77th FA Assn.

Sgt. Chris' Visit with Thomas B. Corbin's Family

(The MUSIC only plays in Internet Explorer)

Former Sgt. Chris Gaynor took a LOT of great pictures during his recent road trip. He visited both the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial in D.C. and the family of Thomas B. Corbin. Thomas was one of our heroes who gave all at the Battle for FSB BURT. He got to meet Thomas' family and extended family, and help them honor his Memory.

These pictures are copyrighted © Christopher B. Gaynor, 2011

You may feel free to download them for PERSONAL, non-commercial use only.
And of course, a Very Grateful THANK YOU to brother Christopher Gaynor for these great shots. And just in time for MEMORIAL DAY. As usual, click on the Thumbnail to see the FULL sized pic, whether or not you want to download it. I did not have the heart to "Trim the full sized ones down" So, they are large files.

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
| A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission" | Uptight 2/77FA & Cambodia '70 |

| Chris' Other Album, Page 1 | Chris' Other Album, Page 2 |

This is just prior to the "Road Trip" Chris tries on his VVA Beret

Dr. Bruce Haulman, Museum Trustee,
Chair of Special Exhibits. Author, Historian,
And all around Gentleman. His fine eye,
research and expertise were ivaluable in turning an idea
into an effective and coherent exhibit. And he knows how
to fill a sandbag and build a bunker!

This is Chris's inspirational relative, part of the reason why he volunteered for the draft.

Also just prior to the Road Trip. Chris gets a Museum Award for his Home of Record exhibit. Yay, Chris.

Chris and some of his buddies at Vashon. And the plaque.

Chris paying his respects at the monument/headstone of one of our fallen brothers, T.B. Corbin

Our buddy, Curt hines, Thomas' brother

Elaine Hines, part of Curt's and Thomas' extended family

Flossie Riels

One of the Crobin-Hines family men.

Ron pickell and his beautiful family

Ron Pickell, Bertie, (Tom's Mom) and Chris

Chris and the family sharing some good times, and food.

Our Fallen Brother's Headstone and nameplate

Chris and Tom's Mom, Bertie

Tom's Mom, Bertie

Another shot of Tom's Mom, bertie

Ron Pickell, Tom's friend's son Marshall

Winelle Hines Lucas and Chris sharing a "Walk and talk"

Winelle Hines Lucas. Part of Tom's family.

| Chris' Other Album, Page 1 | Chris' Other album, Page 2 |

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
| A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission" | Uptight 2/77FA & Cambodia '70 |