The 2/77FA "uptight" during the '69 - '70 time frame

The Battalion had moved to Cu-Chi as a Base Camp

This is a big one, Folks,

so I am putting up what I have now, and as I process the others -- they will appear as new rows of pics, and probably at some point -- new pages in the album as a whole. Meanwhile, Enjoy, and Thanks VERY Much to
Michael kuehlewind --"Cool Breeze" for the Excellent contribution and the time he spent

For the ones that don't load near the bottom, put your mouse finger on the red X - Then click the RIGHT button and select "Show Picture" from the menu. Our server gets a little lazy toward the end, HAHAHA!

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
| A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission" | Uptight 2/77FA & Cambodia '70 |

2/77 Arty (Cont.)



Mr. Popularity

Half of The rest of S-1

The rest of S-1

"BN C.O & CSM"

C.O. & CSM Again

S-3 & Asst.

Asst. S-3

FADAC Computer Chief

2 FADAC Operators

2 Operators again


Radar Operator

More Surveyors

Bn C.O. Driver

Bn C.O. Driver and his jeep

Sign at H.Q.

Bn C.O. Driver and jeep again

Some Troops at H.Q.

2 more surveyors

3 more surveyors

3 survey troops

Chief Surveyor

Survey NCOIC

Survey Section

Surveyors Fillin Water Tank

Chief S-4 Clerk?

S-4 Clerk

BN Ration Driver

Ration Breakdown Clerks

S-4 Section

S-4 Section again

BN Wrecker Driver, Clerk

Asst. Wrecker & PBO

KP Driver

Unloading Lumber

Rations Distribution?

Bn Wrecker Driver


Unloadin S-4 Stuff

Ammo Administrator?

Ammo Section

Ammo Section

Ammo Handler

Humpin Ammo

Humpin MORE Ammo

Yep, MORE ammo!
It takes a LOT!

Ammo Section Boss

The Commo Officer


One of the Commo Sgts.

Another One

Three Commo bosses

Commo Platoon

Some guys out for a stroll?

Generator Maintenance maybe

more commo guys

Some more commo guys

Couple Guys standin Drinking

3 more commo buddies

Are these 3 in
front of the hootch?
or the shop?

Lineman, Cu-Chi Bell!

'Nother Lineman for
Cu-Chi Bell!

One Radar Op.

Another Radar Operator

Radar Repairman

Pllclrk_2 buddies

Radar Officer

The Radar Section

Switchboard Operator

Another Switchboard Operator

Toting a Generator

4 of the troops digging

Horner, Towns & Marx

Horner & Thompson


HHS Btry Clerk

HHS Opns & A/1SG

HHS Supply Sgt.

One HHS Supply Clerk

Other HHS Supply Clerk

Lostello checkin Generator

The Radar Bunker

Sp/4 Simmons

CW2 Marx

Bn. Maint. Officer

Bn. Maint. NCOIC

The Motor Pool Gang

3 Motor Heads

4 More Motor Heads

Alpha Pll Clerk


Tams Clerk

Cu Chi Taxis?

Charlie PLL Clerk

SSG Sams & a Troop


2 More Maint. folks



Another Tams Clerk

|Ft. Lewis | The Cruise | Bear Cat | Convoy to Dau - Tieng | Building Dau - Tieng |
General, Arty OPS |Battle of Soui - Tre | A/2/12Inf. Warriors on SouiTre | FSB BURT |
Alpha 2/12 Viet Safari Photos |Tet @ Dau - Tieng | HOME | Life as an FO's Rto |
|Who are these Guys? | Alpha Battery Album '68 | A/2/12Inf. @ Home |
| A/2/12 "Thunder Road Mission" | Uptight 2/77FA & Cambodia '70 |


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