Mr. Popularity |
Half of The rest of S-1 |
The rest of S-1 |
"BN C.O & CSM" |
C.O. & CSM Again |
S-3 & Asst. |
Asst. S-3 |
FADAC Computer Chief |
2 FADAC Operators |
2 Operators again |
Radar Operator |
More Surveyors |
Bn C.O. Driver |
Bn C.O. Driver and his jeep |
Sign at H.Q. |
Bn C.O. Driver and jeep again |
Some Troops at H.Q. |
2 more surveyors |
3 more surveyors |
3 survey troops |
Chief Surveyor |
Survey NCOIC |
Survey Section |
Surveyors Fillin Water Tank |
Chief S-4 Clerk? |
S-4 Clerk |
BN Ration Driver |
Ration Breakdown Clerks |
S-4 Section |
S-4 Section again |
BN Wrecker Driver, Clerk |
Asst. Wrecker & PBO |
KP Driver |
Unloading Lumber |
Rations Distribution? |
Bn Wrecker Driver |
Truckin |
Unloadin S-4 Stuff |
Ammo Administrator? |
Ammo Section |
Ammo Section |
Ammo Handler |
Humpin Ammo |
Humpin MORE Ammo |
Yep, MORE ammo! It takes a LOT! |
Ammo Section Boss |
The Commo Officer |
Commo NCOIC |
One of the Commo Sgts. |
Another One |
Three Commo bosses |
Commo Platoon |
Some guys out for a stroll? |
Generator Maintenance maybe |
more commo guys |
Some more commo guys |
Couple Guys standin Drinking |
3 more commo buddies |
Are these 3 in front of the hootch? or the shop? |
Lineman, Cu-Chi Bell! |
'Nother Lineman for Cu-Chi Bell! |
One Radar Op. |
Another Radar Operator |
Radar Repairman |
Pllclrk_2 buddies |
Radar Officer |
The Radar Section |
Switchboard Operator |
Another Switchboard Operator |
Toting a Generator |
4 of the troops digging |
Horner, Towns & Marx |
Horner & Thompson |
HHS B.C. |
HHS Btry Clerk |
HHS Opns & A/1SG |
HHS Supply Sgt. |
One HHS Supply Clerk |
Other HHS Supply Clerk |
Lostello checkin Generator |
The Radar Bunker |
Sp/4 Simmons |
CW2 Marx |
Bn. Maint. Officer |
Bn. Maint. NCOIC |
The Motor Pool Gang |
3 Motor Heads |
4 More Motor Heads |
Alpha Pll Clerk |
Binsfeld |
Tams Clerk |
Cu Chi Taxis? |
Charlie PLL Clerk |
SSG Sams & a Troop |
Dispatch |
2 More Maint. folks |
Hurt |
Middleton |
Another Tams Clerk |
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